When to Toilet Train
Potty Training Boys and Girls




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When is the Best Time to Potty Train?

If there is one question I get asked the most, it is this one: "When is the best time to potty train my child?"

The answer for when to potty train your child is simple: sooner, rather than later. In fact, one of the biggest mistakes many parents make is waiting too long to begin toilet training their children. The truth is, potty training a 4 or 5 year old child is going to likely be more difficult than potty training a toddler. That being said, it's better late than never!

One of the main issues is that parents feel their child has to be talking before they are ready to potty train. And while aspects of your child's development do play a role in his or her overall success at potty training, language capacity is not a factor. See my article on child development and potty training for more information on this.

When to Toilet Train? Look for Signs of Readiness

That being said, there are signs of readiness you need to look out for before you begin teaching your child how to potty train. These include the ability to stay dry through the night and an increased awareness of their body. All of these factors are discussed in my easy potty training guide.

The question remains: Is your child ready to potty train? If you've read a few of my articles, I'm guessing you already know the answer.

So let's get started!




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