Boys and Girls Potty Training in 3 Days
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Potty Training a One Year Old

Potty Training A One Year Old


Potty training 1 year old children can be achieved, although it can be frustrating for parents and for babies. In Asia, and in some European countries, potty training a 1 year old is normal. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that potty training should not begin until after a year. Although there are no rules about when to potty train, there are always exceptions.

So before you get excited about infant potty training and throw out your diapers to embark, consider the following. Does your child display signs of readiness?  Can your child stay dry for at least two hours at a time? Does your child hate wearing dirty diapers? Does she want to wear regular underwear?

If your child is showing signs of readiness, you can begin. If not, there is no reason why you can't get your one year old used to potty training. Buy a potty chair and place it where your child usually has a bowel movement. (Yes, children tend to go to the same spot to relieve themselves.) Keep the potty chair clean and let your child play with it. This way, he or she will not be afraid of the potty when you use it for potty training later on. Gradually move it, a few feet at a time, closer to the bathroom.

You can also try to put your one year old on the potty and see what happens. Some moms have success with this, especially when potty training girls. However, remember that you want this to be a positive experience for both you and your one year old. You also want your child to know that he or she is in charge of his body - and not mom or dad.

Potty training is part of normal child development and should be empowering. If you do see signs of readiness, and you want to try an encouraging method that has worked on children of different ages, consider the 3 day potty training ebook.

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