Boys and Girls Potty Training in 3 Days
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What are Common Potty Training Problems?

Without a doubt, any parent deciding to undertake the task of getting their toddler ready for potty training has some kind of anxiety around how their child will adapt to the transition. The truth is, some level of resistance to potty training is normal - particularly with stubborn children - but that doesn't mean it has to thwart the process entirely. In fact, being prepared for toilet training problems is the best way to help both you and your child make it through the process successfully.

Here are some of the more common problems which occur while toilet training a toddler:

  1. The child doesn't want to take off his/her diapers. Many children feel a sense of attachment to their diapers, and may be hesitant to take them off (especially older children who have been wearing their diapers from quite some time).
  2. The child is afraid to sit on the potty. Parents take it for granted how new the experience of using the potty is for a toddler. It can be overwhelming - and yes, even a bit scary!
  3. The child is resistant to sit on the potty and/or continually rejects his parents' request to use the potty.
  4. The child withholds urination/bowel movements. This is also quite common, but if it's not handled in a timely and efficient manner, could lead to a trip to the doctor.
  5. Nighttime dryness. Some experts say this is often the last skill children develop while potty training.

The good news is, these problems are by no means a requirement of teaching your child how to potty train. In fact, with the right advice, you can avoid most if not all of these issues. This method also works well when toilet training children with autism.

With my guaranteed method, you have all the help you need to get started today!

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